Why Ryukyu Kempo?

There are over 50 martial arts groups in Tauranga.

Why not choose Muay Thai, BJJ, MMA, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, Boxing?
What makes Ryukyu Kempo so different?

Let us ask you these questions:

  • Are you looking for an established class?
  • Do you want highly experienced instructors?
  • Do you want to learn from people who are successful in many areas of life?
  • Do your children need good role models?

Ryukenkan Dojo has been operating in Tauranga since 1995 and Marty Rickard (Head Instructor/Founder) has been training in Tauranga since 1982. We’ve seen it all come and go, we’ve continued to teach our classes no matter what the latest trend and fad has been.T

To become an instructor with Ryukenkan, adults students must have a solid career, lead a good family life. They must contribute to society in a positive way. These people will be interacting with you and your family, you need to be able to trust us, and we place the highest level of importance on that trust.

Looking at todays world, it can be hard to find a good role model for children.

Too many high profile people look solid on the outside, but end up in the news pages for something that we’d rather they didn’t do.

In a world where social media is creating mental health issues, people (yes, all people) need to be grounded in the world of everyday life, not a world which isn’t real, or causes anxiety.

There’s a lot to be said for a bit of “old school family values”, respect, resilience, hard work, focus, self discipline – these are the traits that make people successful in life.

Ryukyu Kempo teaches these character traits through the medium of traditional Martial Arts. We place an emphasis on safety, hard work, and earning your place in the world.

Why not join us and find out how we make this happen?