10th Kyu

ExerciseFoundation Partner Exercise – Set 2 (FPX2)
KataNaihanchi Shodan
KobudoFoam Tanbo Drills
Noodling (basic)
GearFoam Tanbo (1 pair)
Fitness30 press ups, 30 sit ups
KnowledgeGuiding Principle 1

When asking to be taught be submissive and free from prejudice, accept the teachings as shown.
In this way you will not establish your own peculiarities or bad habits.

Students testing 10th Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Naihanchi Shodan kata
    • Intermediate level:
      • Sequence must be correct without error
      • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Foam Tanbo Drills
    • Clock striking left and right hands, broken and flowing strikes
    • 2 and 3 strike patterns as called by instructor, solo and partnered
  • Parry-Pass
    • Basic outside and inside parry-pass with flow at 120BPM for 2mins
    • 3 restarts permitted
    • “switch-on-the-fly” not reqd.
  • Noodling
    • Basic noodling with simple footwork
  • Students should be able to transition from parry-pass to noodling and back as called.