8th Kyu

ExerciseFootwork Partner Exercise
KobudoBo Kihon – Part 2
GearHead protection with cage
Fitness50 Press ups, 50 Sit ups
KnowledgeGuiding Principle 3

Cultivate a spirit of perseverance. You will develop a healthy body if you have strength of mind and train fearlessly.
Students testing 8th Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Seisan kata
    • Intermediate level:
      • Sequence and Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
      • Speed and power present in most techniques
      • Expression allowed
  • Bo Kihon Part 2
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Parts 1 & 2 must flow, no jerking or stopping
  • Feeding
    • Able to respond to Feeding from partners during Noodling without losing flow
    • Feeding rate: 150BPM
    • Demonstrate for 3mins, 3 restarts permitted
  • Constellations & Webs:
    • Students should be able to transition from noodling to all previous drills, then return to noodling as called.