Component | Requirement |
Exercise | Windmill |
Kata | Naihanchi Nidan |
Kobudo | Kumi Bo 1 |
Drills | Lock Flow / Foundation Tuite |
Gear | None |
Fitness | 70 Press ups, 70 Sit ups |
Knowledge | Guiding Principle 5 In daily conduct do not encourage fights or arguments. |
Students testing 6th Kyu are required to demonstrate:
- Naihanchi Nidan kata
- Intermediate level:
- Sequence and Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
- Speed and power present in most techniques
- Expression allowed
- Expectation is that performance must match that of previous kata
- Intermediate level:
- Kumi Bo One
- Sequence must be present without error
- Able to demonstrate both Sakugawa and Tsuji parts interchangeably
- Drill performance must flow , no jerking or stopping
- Lock Flow
- Able to various locks with partners during Noodling without losing flow
- Demonstrate for 3mins, 3 restarts permitted
- Foundation Tuite
- Able to manipulate wrist and arm into a variety of lock positions
- Constellations & Webs:
- Students should be able to transition from noodling to all previous drills, then return to noodling as called.