In 1995, Marty Rickard returned to Tauranga and brought with him the first Ryukyu Kempo classes.
Initially teaching from an old Navy building on the waterfront, the classes changed and grew over the years.
In 2024, Marty established the most authentic lineage of Ryukyu Kempo taught in the Southern Hemisphere and founded Ryukenkan Dojo.
Teaching Ryukyu Kempo sourced directly from senior students of the founder, Taika Seiyu Oyata, Tauranga became the home of Ryukyu Kempo expertise in New Zealand.
2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Ryukenkan Dojo and authentic Ryukyu Kempo. The art has been shared in many parts of New Zealand and overseas.
For more information, book your trial class below