People often think that learning Martial Arts is all about the physical, kicking, punching, throwing, getting kicked, punched and thrown…
Or, they go to another end of the scale and think that there’s some mystical deep, arcane knowledge which can be learned – some kind of Jedi stuff.
Not true.
There’s a thing called Occam’s Razor. It’s a philosophical concept that says (in simple terms) “the easiest explanation is often the right one”. Martial Arts fits into that. It’s about finding the simplest solution to a given problem.
Sometimes the solution needs to be kicked, punched or thrown. Sometimes it needs a clear head to see the answer that’s right in front of you.
Having something that keeps your “monkey mind” busy allows the deeper part of the mind to speak up and you’ll often see the answer clear as day.
There’s nothing arcane or deep about that – it just makes sense.