Dojo Kun

The 5 Dojo Kun and 10 Guiding Principles are a common link between all schools which descend from the lineage of Taika Seiyu Oyata. The emphasis placed on these simple sentences highlights the importance and the depth of knowledge which can be brought out through careful and conscious study of not only the English translations, but the kanji themselves.

Ryukenkan Ryukyu Kempo uses 2 versions of the Dojo Kun.
Adults are required to learn the wording used in most other Oyata-aligned dojo, while junior students learn a simplified version which is easier to understand and contains simpler concepts to apply.

These same Dojo Kun kanji and sentences are used in other styles of Japanese and Okinawan martial arts, however the interpretation and application differs from the Oyata method.

The translations below are the minimum requirement of understanding.

Dojo Kun 1

Junior Version

I will be a good person

Adult Version

Strive for a good moral character

Japanese Version

Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto

Dojo Kun 2

Junior Version

I will behave honestly and sincerely

Adult Version

Keep and honest and sincere way

Japanese Version

Makoto no michi wo mamoru koto

Dojo Kun 3

Junior Version

I will try always my hardest at everything I do

Adult Version

Cultivate perseverance or a will for striving

Japanese Version

Doryoku no seishin wo yashinau koto

Dojo Kun 4

Junior Version

I will be a respectful person

Adult Version

Develop a respectful attitude

Japanese Version

Reigi wo omonzuru koto

Dojo Kun 5

Junior Version

I will think about my actions before I act.

Adult Version

Restrain my physical ability through spiritual attainment

Japanese Version

Kekki no yu wo imashimeru koto