11th Kyu

ExerciseFoundation Partner Exercises – Set 2 (FPX2)
KataNaihanchi Shodan
KobudoBo Clock Striking – Left & Right, Front and Rear
Drills6 Punch
GearUniform – full black Karate gi.
Dojo T Shirt may be worn in place of heavy top
Alternatively, Dojo T shirt + black athletic pants

Athletic shoes with non marking soles are permitted
Fitness20 press ups, 20 sit ups
KnowledgeDojo Kun 1-5

Kids version:
I will be a good person.
I will behave honestly and sincerely.
I will always try my hardest at everything I do.
I will be a respectful person.
I will think about my actions, before I act.

Adult version:
Strive for a good, moral character.
Keep an honest and sincere way.
Cultivate perseverance or a will for striving.
Develop a respectful attitude.
Restrain my physical ability through spiritual attainment.
Students testing 11th Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Naihanchi Shodan kata
    • Beginner level:
      • Able to follow sequence with minimal coaching
      • Techniques must be accurate in placement and execution
      • Speed/Power/Flow not reqd.
  • Bo Clock Drill
    • Clock striking left and right hand lead, front striking compulsory
    • Left and right rear striking optional, but desirable.
  • 6 Punch
    • Basic punch drill, no knee techniques
    • Parry (1 hand working) required, counter-striking (2 hands working) optional
    • 120 BPM on metronome
    • 3 restarts permitted