1st Kyu

KobudoKobu Bokken
Kuniyoshi Sai or Nunchaku Kihon
Sai or Nunchaku
Fitness100 Press ups, 100 Sit ups
KnowledgeGuiding Principle 10

Ask questions freely of the master and other superiors because you must strive to understand what you are learning.
Students testing 1st Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Kata
    • Students must be clearly demonstrating Yudansha levels of performance in all kata
  • Kobu Bokken
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Kuniyoshi Sai or Nunchaku Kihon
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Constellations & Webs:
    • Students should be able to clearly demonstrate ability flowing across all drills at high beat rates. Restarts and errors should be minimal. Inclusion of weapons is expected.
    • Students should be wearing protective equipment and demonstrating acceptable levels of contact.