2nd Kyu

KobudoJo Kihon
Kumi Jo
Fitness100 Press ups, 100 Sit ups
KnowledgeGuiding Principle 9

Take care not to develop only your favorite technique neglecting others because this will leave a weakness in your defense. Be cautious not to become too theoretical or technical because these too are weaknesses.
Students testing 2nd Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Kusanku kata
    • Sequence and Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
    • Speed and power clearly present in all techniques
    • Expression expected in all kata
    • Expectation is that performance must match that of all previous kata
  • Jo Kihon
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Kumi Jo
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Constellations & Webs:
    • Students should be able to clearly demonstrate ability flowing across all drills at high beat rates. Restarts and errors should be minimal. Inclusion of weapons is expected.
    • Students should be wearing protective equipment and demonstrating acceptable levels of contact.