4th Kyu

KobudoTanbo Kihon – Part 1
DrillsTanbo Drills
GearSolid Tanbo
(high-impact plastic preferred)
Fitness90 Press ups, 90 Sit ups
KnowledgeGuiding Principle 7

Become familiar with the use of the makiwara and other training equipment. Train yourself to use your fists, body, and positions. Be patient and study earnestly the kata and matches. Do not aim for hurried success.
Students testing 4th Kyu are required to demonstrate:
  • Passai kata
    • Sequence and Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
    • Speed and power present in most techniques
    • Expression allowed
    • Expectation is that performance must match that of previous kata
  • Tanbo Kihon Part 1
    • Sequence must be present without error
    • Flow must be present, no jerking or stopping
  • Tanbo Drills – solid tanbo
    • Able to demonstrate a variety of tanbo drills at instructor request
  • Constellations & Webs:
    • Students should be able to transition from noodling to all previous drills, then return to noodling as called.