We can make a difference

2024 is going to bring a whole new level of excellence to the Tauranga Martial Arts community.

Ryukenkan Dojo will be offering classes on a donations basis.
Anyone can learn martial arts and contribute only what they can afford to spare.

We think that at this time, when everything costs more, and life is just that much harder, if we can bring something beneficial to someone’s life, something that maybe, just maybe, will help them make a breakthrough to a better life, to a life where they can make a real intergenerational difference, then it’s our responsibility to do just that.

From January 2024, all students will be asked to contribute what they can afford. Our suggested donations are:

Suggested donation per school term.
Youth (including students)$30
Donations are suggested only – please discuss your needs with us.

We welcome anyone to join our classes and enjoy what Ryukenkan Ryukyu Kempo can bring to your life.

If you need further information, or have any questions, please contact us via email at info@kempo.nz

We don’t do “InstaGrat”…

If you attend every available class, and invest several hours of your personal time practicing, its possible that you’ll earn a Black Belt in, or around, 5 years.

If you add up all the class requirements and attend minimal classes with next to no additional practice, and you’re blessed with a strong mind and body, it’s possible that you’ll earn your Black Belt in 7 years.

Why does it take so long? Why is it possible in other martial arts to earn rank in under 3 years?

Ryukenkan Ryukyu Kempo has been around a long time. Along the way, we’ve made our mistakes and we admit that we have issued rank to people who didn’t deserve it. We have also seen how that damages the reputation of our classes and how that, in turn, hurts our students.

Because of those past mistakes, we said “no more”.

  • No more easy gradings
  • No more “participation medals”
  • No more gradings that make people “feel better”
  • No more gradings that make parents feel better

When we issue rank to a student, that rank must have meaning. For the rank to have meaning, it must be earned.

Each belt level has a number of items that are prescribed. Each item must be demonstrated to a set level. If you ask yourself honestly, “Do I want lower quality now, or higher quality later?”, only a fool takes the easy option.

We’re not here to give people handouts. We’re here to build strong people who have successful, strong lives.

20 years of Ryukenkan in Tauranga

Ryukenkan Instructors in 2018

In 1995, Marty Rickard returned to Tauranga and brought with him the first Ryukyu Kempo classes.

Initially teaching from an old Navy building on the waterfront, the classes changed and grew over the years.

In 2024, Marty established the most authentic lineage of Ryukyu Kempo taught in the Southern Hemisphere and founded Ryukenkan Dojo.

Teaching Ryukyu Kempo sourced directly from senior students of the founder, Taika Seiyu Oyata, Tauranga became the home of Ryukyu Kempo expertise in New Zealand.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Ryukenkan Dojo and authentic Ryukyu Kempo. The art has been shared in many parts of New Zealand and overseas.

For more information, book your trial class below

The Ryukyu Kempo difference.

What makes us different?

Watching your child do better at school, be healthy and fit, develop a strong sense of community and learn skills for a successful life, all while learning traditional Life Protection and Martial Arts skills is what we do.

Wouldn’t you want to be a part of the Ryukenkan Ryukyu Kempo journey?

In 40 years of martial arts study, Ryukyu Kempo is simply the most complete Martial Art I have ever seen.
Marty Rickard – Head Instructor

Imagine how your family’s life could change when they attain the following benefits:

  • Developing the respect and self discipline that open the doors of opportunity throughout life.
  • Knowing that concentration, focus and perseverance lead to success – because they have experienced it in their every day life.
  • A drive to understand, improve, achieve, succeed and help build strong families and communities.
  • Being stronger, more able and confident.
  • Develop an attitude that promotes and delivers success in all areas of life.
  • Learning skills that link thinking and movement that help them feel positive, protect them and energize them
  • Having proven that effort and investment is enjoyable and over time delivers results.
  • Demonstrating personal responsibility engagement in all parts of life, every day.

And, what if we said we offer all this for only what your family can afford?

Tauranga has some of New Zealand’s highest costs of living.
We’re here to offer something that will benefit your family, without causing financial distress.

Schedule a Class


Why book one class, when we’ll give you 10 for free?

It’s hard to decide if a martial arts class really fits you if you only have one or two classes before you have to pay.
We believe you need time to get to know people and decide if the class fits. We believe this so strongly, that we offer all new students 10 free classes (across 5 weeks) before they have to spend a cent, or make any commitment.